The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

Farewell: Senior News Editor Noelle Horn

December 7, 2020

Like many things this year, this doesn’t feel real. Although it has only been a couple of years, it feels like The Northerner has been a part of my life for a decade. Honestly, journalism was not something I saw myself doing.

When I applied for college I put down my major as journalism not because I wanted to be a reporter, but because it is what a career test I took in high school told me. I had no idea what I wanted to do but knew I liked writing. I figured I would just change it in a year anyway. 

The more journalism classes I took, the more I realized that it actually aligned all my passions—my love to learn, to listen and talk to people and to facilitate change.

There was always an outspoken student in one of my classes, our former News Editor Josh Goad. I became more acquainted with Josh and Sam Rosenstiel, our former Editor-in-Chief. I saw the connection they had through working for the paper and was instantly aware that I had not made any connections of my own so far.

They talked about being a part of The Northerner and were often called on in class to give real-life examples of the topics we were discussing and I thought it sounded really interesting, but there was no way I was a good enough writer to join.

It wasn’t until I took a practicum class that I put more faces to The Northerner. I met Nicole Browning, former Managing Editor, whose infectious scream-laughter and dad jokes made me instantly want to be her best friend. 

My first editor was Natalie Hamren, now our Editor-in-Chief, and she was patient, kind and willing to put up with me missing my deadlines. She encouraged me to come to meetings and stop by the newsroom but I was still intimidated. 

One day, after a conversation with my professor, Michele Day, who encouraged me to stop by the newsroom, I saw Josh Goad going down the steps and knew it was my chance. Looking back maybe this was a little creepy but I waited for Josh to unlock the door and then snuck my way in behind him knowing there was no going back. 

I sat at the table and everything in my body was screaming at me to get out, that they would realize the imposter I was, but as more people filtered in I made conversation and Josh introduced me. Everyone was very welcoming to me and happy to see a new face. I made an effort to be in the newsroom as much as possible to force my way in and edit whatever needed. I was quickly made a reporter and worked my way up to my current position as News Editor. 

Truth be told, being a part of The Northerner has not always been easy. With any position that is high-stress and unpredictable comes conflict and crying in your car/bathroom when you finally get the second to catch your breath. There are people who made these instances tolerable, that made me wipe away my tears, take a deep breath and keep going.

Michele– Thank you for encouraging me to become a part of The Northerner and putting up with my constant complaining and stressful emails. You always encourage me to keep going and do my best. 

Natalie and Josh– You are the main reason I joined The Northerner and without your kindness and patience with me those first few months I don’t know that I would have stuck around. You will be a great reporter, you already are. Remember to take time for yourself and your needs because you are worth it. Josh, thank you for staying late in the newsroom many nights to listen to me rant and complain, you are such an empathetic, joyous person.

Corinne, Alyssa, Abby– We have become such great friends this year and you guys really mean the world to me. I wish we would have become closer sooner. You are all so talented and such shining lights I can’t wait to see what you do. I wish I could hug you all and thank you in person, but I’m sure we will have a Zoom wine night in celebration soon. 

Rachel– It’s been a tough semester but I mean it when I say you are one the most dedicated and best reporters I have ever seen. I know you will go on to do great and important work. Just remember to not be too hard on yourself.

I’m not sure what I will be doing after I graduate and it honestly terrifies me. But I will be forever grateful for the life experience and skills The Northerner has taught me over these last couple of years. It has also been a great confidence boost, something I desperately needed. So thank you and I will miss it.

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