Hurricane Isaac may have changed the plans for the 2012 Republican National Convention, but Mitt Romney was able to leave GOP supporters full of optimism for the upcoming presidential election.
The feeling in Tampa Bay for the RNC was immediately more enthusiastic than it was in St. Paul in 2008, mainly because Republicans feel they have selected a candidate that can defeat Barack Obama. The selection of John McCain and Sarah Palin in 2008 was not very popular among Republicans and the GOP seemed defeated in the 2008 election right when Obama received the Democratic nomination.
It seems that this election has a completely different feel to it already. I have noticed that America is starting to sober up from the Obama Kool-Aid and one key note speaker at the RNC showed he was living proof of this. Former Alabama Democratic Congressman Artur Davis, the man that introduced Obama at the 2008 Democratic National Convention, admitted that he was once an “Obama Zombie,” but not anymore.
Davis called on all Democrats and Independents to “correct the mistake of 2008.” That is pretty powerful coming from a man that was once close to Obama. CNN and MSNBC did not air or even discuss Davis’ speech and some believe it is due to the fact that Davis is an African-American. They also failed to air or discuss the speech given by New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez, who is also a once Democrat converted Republican. I wonder why organizations who are so quick to blast Republicans as racist and sexist would fail to cover these speeches.
One thing that stuck out to me during the RNC was the lack of negativity towards Obama. Romney has thus far run a very clean campaign, trying to focus on the issues and fixing America rather than take a jab at his opposition. If you have seen a negative ad about Obama on TV, which there are some, you will notice that not one is paid for by Mitt Romney. Yet Mr. Obama has spent millions on negative advertising in an attempt to drive voters away from Romney. Maybe he should look into telling us what his plans are for the next four years.
Romney was greeted with thunderous applause at the RNC and he graciously accepted the Republican nomination for presidency. Romney posed a question to the American people about this upcoming election, “look at where we are now and think, are we better off than we were four years ago?” With the economy still struggling, a national debt that has doubled and a higher unemployment rate than in 2008, the answer to that question is simple: no.
Romney outlined his and Paul Ryan’s five big plans for the future of America. First, they called for America to become energy independent by taking full advantage of using our own coal, oil, gas, nuclear and renewable energies. This would create jobs in America and help stimulate our internal economy. Second, he called for Americans to pursue education so that they can learn skills to better their own lives. He wants to make education a priority for Americans so that they can get an affordable college education. Third, he called for new trade agreements with other nations. This would benefit our economy as well as the global economy. Fourth, he called for America to balance its budget so that the value of the dollar won’t diminish. President Obama has not passed a single federal budget since he was elected in 2008. And last, Romney called for the lifting of taxes on American businesses so that they can flourish and create more jobs in America.
Romney also favored repealing Obamacare, which was recently upheld by the Supreme Court. Obamacare forces men and women of the United States military to pay a premium rate for health coverage. It also forces those without health coverage to pay taxes for health care. Romney wants to get rid of Obamacare so that it doesn’t deplete all of the funding for Medicare.
There is no denying that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have caused Republicans all over the country to believe in America again. Romney and Ryan pose a real threat to Obama’s re-election and recent polls suggest that this race is a lot closer than the 2008 presidential race. Two University of Colorado professors that have accurately projected the winner of every presidential election since 1980, have projected that Mitt Romney will be victorious in November. With the election still months away, the presidential race is growing ever closer and until Nov. 6 we won’t have an answer as to how it turns out.