The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

Clayton Castle is a Digital Content Producer at WDTN-TV in Dayton, OH.

Clayton Castle

When were you at The Northerner?


When did you graduate? Major?

Graduated in 2015 with a B.A. in Journalism.

What did you do at The Northerner?

I began contributing to The Northerner in Fall of 2013, became a staff writer in Fall of 2014, was Sports Editor for Spring of 2015.

What has your career been like since graduating?

Since graduating, I’ve gone into the television newsroom. After graduating, I became a production assistant at WLWT-TV in Cincinnati, learning the ropes of the television newsroom. I worked side-by-side with the sports department on Friday nights, assisting in Blitz 5 coverage. I also put together a demo reel while I was there which allowed me to become a TV Sports Reporter in Minnesota, where I lived for a year. In 2018, I moved back to Cincinnati and accepted a Digital Content Producer position at Local 12 WKRC.

What’s your current job?

Digital Content Producer at WDTN-TV in Dayton since May 2019. I primarily write stories for the web and social media. I’ve covered two major stories while in Dayton: the Memorial Day tornado outbreak and the Oregon District mass shooting on Aug. 4.

How did The Northerner help you start your career?

It helped me start my career by teaching me how to be a journalist. Yes, how to write. But more so how to gather news tips, develop sources, and conduct myself in a professional manner while covering a sporting event.

What’s something you miss, or don’t miss, about The Northerner?

I miss the people. The Northerner staff while I was there was a tight-knit group. I met one of my closest friends now through being on staff together at The Northerner.

If your industry is journalism, how is it similar to The Northerner?

It’s similar because I’m around journalism everyday and can offer input on how to approach a story, the different angles, and be first with the story through my official position at the “digital guy.” News is ever evolving but it’s also 24/7. The key to journalism is yes, being first, but also being accurate.

What is a piece of advice for current Northerner staff?

Keep writing. Whether you find a job right out of college or not, find outlets or reasons to write. Land an internship. Find a freelance gig. Start a blog. Always keep your writing skills sharp. Whether you go into TV or Digital, everything revolves around what you write.

Twitter: @ClaytonCastle

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