Housing addendum and move in plans announced
The front doors leading into Griffin Hall’s lobby.
In an email from University Housing, it announced what move in will look like, dining and housing changes and other safety measures for the Fall Semester.
All Fall assignments for University Housing have been uploaded to the housing portal. To view yours, click here. Housing said students who complete the contract were assigned housing. However, students who didn’t complete the contract or applied after July 7, 2020 were not given assignments.
Those students were instead put on a waiting list based on application completion date.
If you have an incomplete application and would like to be considered for a housing assignment for the Fall 2020 term, Housing said to contact housing@nku.edu as soon as possible.
Due to demand, certain rooms raised their capacity, consistent with guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control, the American College Health Association, and the Association of College and University Housing Officers International.
According to Housing, students residing in Callahan double rooms with full bathrooms will receive roommates putting this room at double occupancy. In addition, a second resident was added to the “B” bedroom of each Norse Hall two-bedroom apartment, meaning three residents in total.
“This expanded capacity allowed us to assign all students while still maintaining a safe environment in on-campus housing,” Housing wrote in the email.
Original roommates and housing type were prioritized however, due to space limitations some changes had to be made. Any student who was moved to a more expensive option during the assignment process will have their original rate honored for the academic year unless they voluntarily choose a more expensive room after the start of the academic year.
Any room change requests will not be accepted prior to year-start. After the third week of the academic term, Housing will consider availability of room changes. Additionally, as cancellations occur, a limited number of students may be moved to accommodate additional applications. Students will be contacted directly if they are impacted.
Fees for the Fall housing and dining plans should be available in student accounts within the next 24 hours. Any questions regarding payments should be sent to Student Account Services. Questions regarding scholarships should be directed to Student Financial Assistance. Fees for each meal plan and housing option can be found here.
University Housing will remain open after Thanksgiving and there is no plan to adjust these rates.
Students will have the option to adjust their meal plan during the first two weeks of the academic year (Aug. 17-30). Monitor your NKU email for more information regarding dining plan change options. Students who select a Value Accommodation may request a reduced cost meal plan by emailing housing@nku.edu.
Students can cancel their housing without penalty until July 31, 2020. To do so, click here to find instructions on how to properly cancel your housing or read below:
- “From your NKU email address, send an email to housing@nku.edu.
- Include your full name
- Include your 9-digit student ID number
- To locate your 9-digit student ID number, please log into myNKU and select “Biller Direct”. Your 9-digit student ID is listed at the top next to your name and address.
- Include the following statement, in full:
I am requesting to voluntarily cancel my housing contract for the 2020-2021 academic year. I acknowledge that, by cancelling my contract, I am irrevocably withdrawing my request for a room in University Housing for Fall 2020 and Spring 2021. I will not be charged for housing or a meal plan during the 2020-2021 academic year and my $200 prepayment, if paid, will be returned through my student account. This decision is not reversible, and I forfeit my right to any room I may have selected. If I later decide that I want to live in University Housing, I will have to re-apply. I acknowledge that, if I re-apply, there may not be available space and I may not receive a room in University Housing.”
Fall Move-In
Full details of Fall move-in are posted on the housing website and will be kept up-to-date. Please click here for full access Fall move-in information.
In brief, students will be welcomed back to campus between the dates of Aug. 10 and 16. Aug. 10 will be reserved for special programs including Honors, R.O.C.K.S., LAMP, SGA and on-campus employees of the Student Union.
All other students will be able to select appointments between Aug. 10 and 16. Links to select appointments will be sent to students’ NKU email addresses in the near future.
Students in special programs scheduled to move-in on Aug. 10 should have already received a link to sign up for move-in and will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis. If you did not receive a link and believe you are in one of these programs, please contact University Housing at housing@nku.edu immediately.
Norse Hall residents will have arrival appointments on Aug. 14, 15 and 16, as renovation efforts are finished. If Housing is able to accept residents in Norse Hall earlier than Aug. 14, they will communicate with affected students.
Move-in appointments will be limited to no more than 30 arrivals per hour to promote social distancing and to ensure there is limited opportunity for viral transmission—20 arrivals for Boothe Village, 10 in East Village—between 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily.
Students are limited to no more than two adult helpers. Additional guests will need to remain in the vehicle during move-in. Students are asked to finish moving in as quickly as possible and for guests leave campus once students are finished moving in.
“Please do not arrive at a time other than your appointment time or you may be turned away and asked to return at your scheduled time,” Housing said. “Students and families who arrive without a scheduled appointment may be turned away and asked to return at a time that is available.”
All students and guests must wear masks while on campus, in accordance with NKU masking policies. Students or guests without masks will be required to return to their vehicles and may be asked to leave campus if they do not adhere to University mask wearing guidelines.
During check-in, which will occur outside of Norse Commons for Boothe Village and outside of Callahan Hall for East Village (please see maps on the housing website), students and families will remain in their car while housing staff verifies identification and distributes keys, and student ID (for first-year students), and University-issued face mask. After receiving their keys, students will be given further instructions on where to park and unload for move-in.
2020-2021 Housing/Dining Agreement Terms & Conditions – Addendum
According to Housing, all students are required to read and understand the linked addendum to the Housing/Dining Agreement Terms & Conditions. This addendum does not need to be signed and comes in force when students accept their keys and move into the residence hall. A physical copy will be provided at move-in.
To review the addendum, please click the following link: Housing/Dining Agreement Terms & Conditions Addendum for 2020/2021.
All information will continue to be updated on the housing website, which can be accessed at https://housing.nku.edu/.
There will be a Housing Town Hall next Tuesday, July 28, 2020 from 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. To sign up for the Housing Town Hall, please click here.