Happy New Year to all!’ Cheers to a cleaner, greener year.’ Last year at NKU was good for green.’ This year can only be better with your individual participation to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.’ In the following paragraphs I want to highlight the areas I have been witness to for ‘Go Green’ initiatives at NKU.’ If I’ve missed something, and I’m sure I have, please blog and let us know what else is happening at NKU for ‘Go Green!” Let’s recap 2008:
– NKU came in 10th in the nation, out of the 95 schools participating in the Waste Minimization challenge.’ That was our second semester for plastic, aluminum and glass recycling.’ Not bad!’ Oh and that’s starting again soon – so don’t forget to REDUCE, REUSE, and RECYCLE that waste.’ RecycleMania starts January 18th and runs through March 28th.’ Make it a habit, not just a challenge and good karma will come your way.’ One more thing before I move on from RecycleMania – it’s not just about recycling, it’s about using LESS.’ Don’t buy those plastic bottles in the first place – use a reusable container.’ I can promise you this – you won’t be hurting anyone’s feelings.’ Pepsi comes in a fountain.’ The corps will still be happy.’ Oh and how about those new recycling receptacles found outside while walking throughout campus?’ Good stuff everywhere.’ And we cannot forget our awesome residents and recycling in the dorms.’ Thanks to Peter Trentacoste, our University Housing Director, all the dorms either have a recycling container in the room or close-by down the hall.’ Keep up the great work residents!
– We rocked out the Carbon Emissions Analysis in coordination with the Presidents Campus Climate Commitment.’ I can’t tell you how awesome the NKU Administration was and is to work with regarding the data collection.’ Everyone was most helpful to the students working on the project as well as their continued energy conservation and overall motivation to create a sustainable plan for NKU.’ It is a plan that is still being created and will be an ongoing effort.’ The Climate Task Force meets monthly and is looking for more student interest.’ The next meeting is scheduled for Friday, January 23rd at 8:30 a.m. in AC 615.’ Those of us that have participated in this project thus far are graduating; and well, there’s more work, sustainable planning and your future to consider.’ So come one, come all.’ Join this great group of faculty, staff and students to make NKU the greenest it can be.’ Sustainability only works when everyone participates.’ It’s our future folks – don’t waste it being single focused.’ Be a multi-tasker!
– Thanks to the efforts from Roads and Grounds Superintendent, William Moulton, NKU received a grant from the Arbor Day Foundation in coordination with Toyota and was named in its ‘Tree Campus USA’ program.’ That was a great day!’ Grounds and Maintenance with the help of a few good students and friends planted 50 trees to help beautify, educate and clean up the air on campus.’ Feel free to hug a tree near you!
– The English Department Green Team, chaired by Donelle Dreese, has been setting a great standard with their Techno Trashbins’copy; which are receptacles to collect diskettes, CDs, DVDs, videos, jewel cases, printers, cell phones, laptops, rechargeable batteries, cables, cords, chipboards, and more for recycling.’ Along with education of our environment through selected readings, implementing Blackboard to save paper and creating a list of eco-habits for work/school and at home, this Green Team has a lot to cheer for!
– Holiday conservation measures saved NKU thousands of dollars and tons of CO2 emissions.’ When the power is off, the mountains in Kentucky and throughout the eastern Appalachians have a better chance of standing tall, rather than being blown to pieces – which leads me to another awesome action by the Honors Program.’ They toured Eastern Kentucky coal mines and shot video about mountaintop removal and the damaging effects to our mountains, streams, wildlife and overall ecosystem.’ In case you’ve never seen a mountain disappear, visit Eastern Kentucky and the Virginias.’ Leave the computer, monitors and lights on while the hot water runs out of control.’ Here today, gone tomorrow.’ That’s mountains for ya.’ But hey, who’s watching?’ If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it – does it make a sound?’ Out of sight – out of mind.’ I think you get the point.’ Personal action and living habits are essential in sustainability.
– The New Student Union thanks to Ed Devoid, Director of Chartwells, has eliminated much of the previous waste from the cafeteria services.’ With more plate service and a pulper that grinds up the leftovers; NKU is reducing emissions from landfills as well.’ Keep in mind when eating on campus, you are encouraged to use your own reusable mug for drinks and you will even save some dough while keeping NKU and America beautiful in the practice.
– One more thing I would like to mention that isn’t on campus but a big event in Washington D.C. that includes your peer generation.’ It’s called Powershift.’ A group from ECOS went in 2007 and had a blast.’ From February 27th to March 2nd , students and young people from across the country will be gathering in D.C. to promote Green Energy, sustainability and advocate for Green Policies from our government officials.’ There are educational workshops, opportunities to meet your federal legislators and massive peer networking to be had.’ Check out the website for more information and to register your group.
Ok, so now it’s your turn to tell everyone what you did or some sustainable plan you would like to see on campus.’ Remember, to become a sustainable world, we must sustain or become responsible for our individual habits.’ It starts with you!’ Go Green Power!
Go Green!
January 13, 2009