Haile/US Bank College of Business: A new Center for Economic Analysis and Development has been created in the Haile/US Bank College of Business. The CEAD will research economic and business information and local trends to assist in promoting good decision-making by businesses in the area. Janet Harrah serves as senior director of the CEAD. College of Arts and Sciences: The Mathematical Association of America awarded mathematics professor Chris Christensen the Carol B. Allendoerfer Award for his article “Polish Mathematicians Finding Patterns in Enigma Messages” published in Mathematics Magazine.
College of Nursing and Health Professions: Volunteer opportunities are available on campus and in the community. Check out the Nurse Advocacy Center for the Underserved here. The college partners with Transition’s Women’s Residential Addictions Program, the Women’s Crisis Center and the Welcome House of Northern Kentucky to improve the health of the underserved.
Chase College of Law: NKU Chase Constitutional Litigation Clinic student Amanda Aquino successfully argued a prisoner rights case Sept. 22 in the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. Chase alum Hannah Schrock, who was a student in last year’s Clinic class, wrote the winning brief. The case was the Constitutional Litigation Clinic’s first Sixth Circuit argument.
College of Informatics: On Oct. 10 the Computer Science Department, Women in Informatics and the Computer Science Club will host Game Night featuring a raffle for a Wii Console donated by the College of Informatics and Women in Informatics. All proceeds from the raffle with go to the charity “Dress for Success.” Contact Maureen Doyle in ST 334 for more information.
College of Education and Human Services: On Oct.4 the Ed.D. program will host an open house from 10:30 a.m. to noon in the Otto M. Budig Theater in the University Center. The Doctorate in Education in Educational Leadership is designed for experienced, place-bound, fully-employed P-12 education leaders and practitioners. The program is designed to meet a set of “best practice” competencies/outcomes. It is integrated with individual career and personal goals for educational leaders with five or more years of professional experience. This fall the Ed.D. program welcomed its first cohort of students.
To announce something in your college, e-mail The Northerner at northerner@nku.edu.