The Genocide Awareness Project came to Northern Kentucky University on pro-choice day, April 9, bringing controversy to the University Center Plaza.
GAP is a traveling photo mural exhibit that compares abortion to historical forms of genocide, according to its press release. It visits university campuses all around the country “to show what abortion actually does to unborn children. ”
According to the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform’s newsletter, Katie Walker, president of Northern Right to Life asked GAP to come to NKU after the Cemetery of the innocents was destroyed in April 2006.
Sally Jacobsen, a literature professor, along with about nine students from her graduate level class, removed the white crosses in front of the University Center Plaza. Each cross represented 100 abortions each day in the United States.
In its newsletter, the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform asks, “If crosses representing aborted babies cause controversy at NKU, how much more would a display that shows actual pictures of aborted babies add to the debate?”
Mark Harrington, Midwest regional director of the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, said the goal of GAP is to raise awareness that abortion is equal to or worse than any other crime against humanity.
One sign said “abortion is a savage act of violence” and had a picture of a fetus in the first trimester.
Other parts of the exhibit included the comparison of abortion to the Cambodian’s killing fields, the government massacre of Native Americans at Wounded Knee and the lynchings of blacks.
The signs had messages such as “killing a baby