Student Government Association hosted what it hopes to be the first of many open discussion meetings for NKU students Sept. 18.
SGA’s “Pizza and Politics” provides an opportunity to talk about important issues in a safe environment. Alyse Bender, SGA’s president, said she worries that a lot of students feel their voices aren’t being heard. Bender hopes that having a meeting like this once a month will help students get the issues that are important to them out on the table, so that steps can be taken in the right direction.
At the meeting, issues were brought up by students and either addressed by an SGA member who knew something about it, or written down to be further looked into.
Some of the issues discussed were: -Residential parking lots -Wireless in all the dorms -Lights on the intramural fields -Whether a new recreation center would be supported or not -New college of informatics -Midterm grades available for everyone -More free prints -Campus beautification
Bender wants to emphasize that no issue is more important than another. She said that every complaint will be worked on.
Bender added that one issue that shocked her the most was that the University Suites has no wireless internet. It only has Ethernet.
According to Mike Tobergta, chair of the university improvements committee in SGA, about 10 students showed up to the program. He added that it was a good mix of residential and commuter students.
Tobergta added that this program is important for students because it will be easier to voice their opinions.
Bender said that next time she hopes for a better turnout.
The next “Pizza and Politics” will be held noon Oct. 17 on the second floor of the University Center.