In the fall, only 14 students ran to fill 15 vacant senator seats in the Student Government Association election. But in the upcoming elections every position is contested, with 31 students competing to fill 15 open positions in the Senate race.
“SGA has promoted and got people into the running,” said Steve Meier, associate dean of students. “Students voices are heard through involvement in the SGA.”
The Northern Kentucky University SGA spring election will be April 11 and 12 from 7:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Students may vote online from any computer on campus or from remote access during that time. Computer stations located in the University Center lobby or Norse Commons lobby are available for voting from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. on the election dates. In addition to the open Senate seats, students will be voting to fill three Judicial Council positions and fice Executive positions, including president.
According to its mission statement, the SGA strives to fulfill its responsibility to “serve the student body by working with students on their needs while leading in a positive manner that is receptive, respectful, ethical and productive, and puts student concerns above all.”
According to its mission statement, the SGA strives to fulfill its responsibility to “serve the student body by working with students on their needs while leading in a positive manner that is receptive, respectful, ethical and productive, and puts student concerns above all.” In addition to the candidates listed on the ballot, students may write-in candidates of their choice. A referendum asking students, “Are you in favor of allowing chalking on campus as a form of free expression?” will also be included on the ballot.
Alyse Bender Junior speech communication and political science major She has served as vice president of Student Involvement for the 2006-2007 school year and served as chair of the Legacy Fund, allotting more than $80,000 in funds to various student organizations. She also serves as the student chair for the Student Organization Board and as a student representative on the Student Fee Allocation Board. Her goals, if elected SGA president, include improving and increasing programming and funding for all student organizations; increasing trust in SGA through listening and solving students concerns with “Pizza and Politics” forums; addressing NKU’s housing needs; launching an SGA-sponsored newsletter to promote and support all student organizations; improving NKU’s dining services; engaging in educational programming for and with all student organizations; sponsoring and offering parking-pass scholarships; and ensuring that all NKU students are represented fairly and accurately in SGA.
Lindsey Bendure Senior biology major She is currently an SGA senator on the University Improvements Committee. She wants to give SGA back to the student body so they can feel confident that they are represented well. She feels many issues on this campus must be addressed and if elected she would work hard to hear them and then do something about them. She believes getting students involved is the first step.
Vice President
Tony Gulla Junior organizational leadership major He has been an SGA senator for three terms and served as the executive administrative assistant. His goals, if elected, include creating a scholarship fund for art students; working to obtain more housing; working to get cheaper food prices for students; and continually asking the university for more organization and club sport money.
Sheree Davis Senior; marketing major She has worked as a Student Government senator, University Improvements chair, Finance Committee chair, Team NKU member and vice president of Administrative Affairs. One of her major goals if elected is to get midterm grades for all students. She would also like to implement “SGA town hall meetings” so students can voice their views and also bring issues to the attention of the Senate.
Vice President of Administrative Affairs
Shauna Prentice Freshman undeclared She is a very open-minded and understanding person with strong goals. She feels interest in SGA increased because several SGA-related events have come up that are very important to the students. In the past, the issues discussed in SGA may not have meant as much to the students, but now that they do because students’ voices are not being heard. She believes everyone sees that it is time for a change.
Aranda Gillum Freshman finance major She has been involved in SGA since the beginning of 2007. She is also on the Finance Committee. If elected, she would push for midterm grades for all students. She would also encourage more freshmen involvement by getting every organization known.
Vice President of Public Relations
Mike Schafer Sophomore construction management major He has been an SGA Senator since January 2007. As a senator, he revised a resolution for a new campus recreation center. His goals, if elected, are to see a more diverse Senate that appropriately represents the student body. If elected he plans to help all organizations get their name out on campus.
Kelly Sirk Junior public relations major She has three years of experience at NKU and has the passion to take action on issues that are important for all students. Her first goal, if elected, would be to organize a “What can SGA do for you?” program to ask students what they want from a governing body. Although she is Greek, she is not a Greek elitist and wants all students’ voices heard. She wants to revamp the SGA priorities and make sure they are taking care of every student, whether it is with scholarships, free speech, or other needs.
Vice President of Student Involvement
Erzsi Sleder Senior political science major She has been an SGA senator for two semesters. She was a member of the University Improvements Committee in fall 2006 and the Student Rights Committee chair for the spring 2007 semester. During that time she participated in campus safety walks. She has worked on the Greek Housing Resolution that would provide more university housing for everyone. She has also worked on the Free Expression Policy and the Chalking Referendum. If elected as vice president of Student Involvement, she would create a monthly newsletter listing the events hosted by student organizations in order to increase both awareness and participation. She would like to see an increase in programming money to help student organizations bring important speakers to campus.
Gabe Cronon Junior speech communication major He has extensive experience working with student organizations of all sizes and understands how important involvement is to a successful college career. If elected, as vice president of Student Involvement he hopes to assist the Office of Student Life as an ambassador for student involvement. He wants to help all organizations have access to information that will contribute to their success. He will actively listen and help resolve issues that are important to students. He will also reflect the student body at NKU by bringing open-mindedness and diversity to SGA.
Judicial Council
Andrew Stewart
Michael Tobergta Liz Osborne Katie Nelson Parker LaBoiteaux Rodney Moore Chander Bhola Jeremy Craft Kelly Schuette Curtis White Kathleen Ingalls April Wright Jessica Hare Alex Kindell Tenielle Lawson Ryan Jones Beth Bleha Eric Cranley Brittany Blair Chris Walker Will Jordan Melanie Ehrlich Evva Roberson James Clark Adam Sandfoss Benjamin Oldham Daniel Roberts Jake Lehnert Tara Sturgill Eric Jenkins Christina Holmes Ash Eyler
Editor’s Note: The Northerner does not endorse any of the following candidates or Senate candidates.
Information compiled by News Editor Carolyn Noe.