A group of selected freshman were recognized for their accomplishments during the Alpha Chi honor society Evening of Achievements Feb. 28. ,
There were 66 Northern Kentucky University students inducted into Alpha Chi during this celebration, which also coincided with the 25th anniversary of the formation of NKU’s Alpha Chi chapter. Each student initiated had completed at least 60 credit hours with a cumulative G.P.A. of 3.8 or higher.
“Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free,” said Director of the Honors Program and Alpha Chi Faculty Sponsor Tom Zaniello, while Alpha Chi inductees carried candles down the auditorium stairs. The inductees repeated the Alpha Chi pledge to become official members. Each new member was presented with a pin and a green cord to wear at graduation.
“I want to salute you, one and all, for your high achievement,” Vice Provost Pat Moynahan said to the newly inducted Alpha Chi members. He encouraged students to consider what to do when they leave the university.
“I believe you have a responsibility to lead,” Moynahan said.
Alpha Chi essay winners were also recognized during the celebration. Awards were given to Jamie Barker for first place and Liz Osborne for second place. Jada Windham won the 25th anniversary award.
Outstanding freshmen, nominated by their Honors 101 professors, were also recognized during the Evening of Achievement. Each freshman was called to the stage by name and presented with a certificate stating his or her achievement.
Jennie LaMothe, coordinator for First Year Programs and a nominating faculty member, said she looked for well-rounded students who are academically strong and involved on campus. The group was narrowed down to 46 freshmen.
“It’s hard to choose one,” LaMothe said.
The nominated freshmen can participate in an essay contest to win a $500 study abroad scholarship. LaMothe said there were seven strong entries, but Sarah Carnahan’s was the winner.