By the numbers Climate change
10 years could be all humanity has left before “significant changes in the climate” are seen.
$10,000 is being offered, by oil companies, to scientists who dispute the UN study.
10 percent is the chance that climate change, according to the UN study, is not being caused by mankind.
Source:, The Guardian, United Nations
The good
The Newport Aquarium will try to create some Valentine’s Day romance between two shark rays, the Cincinnati Post reported Feb. 2. Officials hope that the Aquarium’s male and female shark rays will reproduce, as they are listed as vulnerable to extinction by the World Conservation Union. They will first meet Feb. 14.
The bad
Cincinnati’s homicide count is up to 10 for January, The Cincinnati Post reported Feb. 2. Three deaths in the last three weeks of January pushed the number up. Two of the victims had been attacked before 2007 and had been in the hospital, but they died in January.
The weird
The U.K. has suspended a man’s driving privileges after he was caught shaving while driving at 70 mph in rush hour traffic, reported Feb. 5. The man, who worked with police on accident investigations, was also trying to see past a dozen mannequins stored in his back seat.
More weird stories! See more of the weird stories that weren’t in this week’s paper!
Last stop: Girls gone wild – Miami!
The Bulgarian bus terminal in the capital, Sofia, has begun showing soft-core porn at night, reports. The plasma televisions run bus schedules during the day, but when the sun goes down, the action heats up. According to a station spokesman, it’s so that passengers can “take their minds off the cold.”
Women prefer getting a new pair of jeans than taking them off!
On average, women would be willing to go for 15 months without sex in exchange for a new wardrobe, Yahoo!News reported Feb. 5. Sixty-one percent of women would also prefer to abstain from sex for a month than lose their favorite article of clothing, which the average female has had for 12-and-a-half-years.
Health minister won’t be removed for calling women “birth giving machines.”
Japan’s top health minister won’t be leaving his office, even though many protestors have called for his removal after his controversial reference to women as “Birth-giving machines,” reported Feb. 5. The minister has apologized, but this action hasn’t lessened support for his removal.
Deer may need birth control, and may be getting it from Iowa.
Iowa officials are considering using a contraceptive to curtail their state’s exploding deer population, reports. The contraceptive, GonaCon, is being developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. It would cost $300 to $1000 to catch and inject a deer, and the shot would only be good for two years.