By the numbers: Wikipedia
4 errors, on average, were found within each Wikipedia science article, according to a study published in Nature.
3 errors occurred per article n Encyclopedia Britannica, according to the same study.
50 percent of kids under 16 have cell phones, according to an article cited by Wikipedia. However, Wikipedia misquotes this source saying, incorrectly, that 70% of kids have cell phones.
The good
The Norse Cheerleaders won the Universal Cheerleading Association Division II Small Co-Ed Championship Jan. 13 at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Fla. They defeated nine other teams to bring back a victory for NKU. This is the second year in a row that NKU has captured the national title.
The bad
Physicians’ poor handwriting accounts for 7,000 deaths each year, as well as injuring 1.5 million people, Time Magazine reported Jan. 15. These preventable mistakes largely stem from unreadable handwriting or misunderstood abbreviations and dosages. About 3.2 billion prescriptions are written annually.
The weird
Police arrested a woman on charges of hitting and attempting to run over her boyfriend while her nine-year-old son was in the car with her, reported Jan. 11. She told police that she was angry at her boyfriend because he had taken her son’s backpack.