LANCASTER, Pa. (AP) – The Amish schoolhouse gunman opened fire on his 10 hostages just moments after demanding authorities get off the property, giving state troopers no time to try to save the girls, according to investigators and 911 transcripts released Tuesday.
Charles Carl Roberts IV threatened to kill the children “in two seconds” during a 70-second call to a 911 dispatcher.
“Don’t try to talk me out of it, get ’em all off the property now,” Roberts told a Lancaster County dispatcher in a calm, flat voice, his only contact with police.
Before authorities could react, he hung up and started shooting inside the West Nickel Mines Amish School, killing five girls and wounding five others before killing himself.
“He clearly did not give the police any opportunity to get off the property,” said Lancaster County District Attorney Don Totaro, who did not release the actual audiotapes to avoid further traumatizing the Amish community and Roberts’ family.
“He did not seem emotional. He did not seem angry,” Totaro said.
The 911 center received four initial calls about the Oct. 2 shooting _ including Roberts’ call; a nearly three-minute call from his wife, who had talked to him by phone and found his suicide notes; and one from a farmer calling on behalf of the Amish teacher.
“I just took, uh, ten girls hostage and I want everybody off the property or, or else,” Roberts told the 911 dispatcher.
The dispatcher asked Roberts to stay on the phone so he could be transferred to state police. Roberts replied: “Two seconds, that’s it.” He then hung up.