In a world where the collegiate social life knows no bounds, it is hard to imagine having the river of ideas run dry. But when it comes to having something to do on a big night out, there’s always the “I don’t know. What do you want to do?” battle. I too am a victim of the endless back and forth.
Movies, bowling and going to the mall get old awfully quick, and for those of us who either aren’t of legal age or don’t appreciate the club scene, the pickings look slim.
At a college near Newport, Covington and Cincinnati, this should rarely be a distress and yet it has worked its way into our conscious. Our routines get stale, our minds exhaust and we end up watching reruns of Will and Grace and Friends while eating cold pizza every weekend.
But this does not have to be the case. Since your creative buds are probably not blossoming after a long day in