Many Northern Kentucky University students have become uncomfortable with the new “face” of Facebook.com.
It’s not the pictures your best friend posted of you from your dance party or a post your ex wrote on your wall. It’s the fact that your friends can now see those actions without even having to search. It’s News Feed.
While some members are enjoying the convenience of News Feed’s automatic updates, others are creating anti-News Feed groups on Facebook and fretting about the implications such an addition to their homepages might hold. The words “invasions of privacy” are swelling within the campus networks.
When Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook, it was with the intention of having “an environment where people could share whatever information they wanted, but also have control over whom they shared that information with.”
Sites like MySpace allow anyone to view a member’s profile whether they are friends or not. However, Facebook only allows people to access other’s information if they have already been accepted as a friend.
Ruchi Sanghvi, the product manager for the feed, said it “updates a personalized list of news storied throughout the day