Once every four years a president is sworn in. It is supposed to be a day of celebration and a time for everyone to come together. Four years ago, about half the country was feeling a bit too angry over the election results. This year was no different.
Walking down Constitution Avenue, the site of the inaugural parade, I could see protesters lining both sides of the street. From sectioned-off quarters along the street, they screamed obscenities at people as they walked to the swearing-in ceremony and speech.
Parts of Seventh Street were even blocked off by protesters. If you tried to pass them, they would throw things and scream at you.
These people, ironically, were the protesters for peace. Some burned flags while others were busy holding trash in one hand to throw and “President Bush’s war is evil” signs in the other. These “peaceful” protesters got so violent that they charged police and were taken to jail.
When I finally made my way past them and TSA checkpoints into the area sectioned off for the speech, I looked up just in time to see the 43rd president place his hand on the Bible in front of an aging Justice Rehnquest.
When President George W. Bush took the oath of office Jan. 20, I let out a cheer. Our country needed four more years of his leadership. I was ready for his inaugural speech, but I had not expected it to be as good as it was.
Bush’s second inaugural speech was one of the best speeches ever given by a president. While not as good as Abraham Lincoln’s second, (nothing is), it was right up there with Franklin D. Roosevelt’s first. It had a far-reaching vision and will serve as a beacon for our country for years to come.
While Bush borrowed words and ideas from earlier inaugural works, he created his own masterpiece. Bush outlined part of his plan and goals for the United States following his term in office. When he follows with his State of the Union address in a few weeks, we will know more about his truly daunting plan and vision for the United States.
It seems he will stay true to his faith during the next term, and our country needs someone in office with a strong sense of belief.
Time after time, the Democrats and media liberals doubt President Bush. He strikes back at them quietly but defiantly through his own actions and speeches like this one. I doubt the State of the Union speech will be so strong, but Bush never fails to surprise.
Steve Funaro is a senior history major and a member of the College Republicans at NKU. You can contact Steve at SFunaro@gmail.com.