In this week’s Hot Seat, John interviews Jordan Stowers. Jordan is a senior guard on the Norse basketball team. John Rasp: If you were to play your brother Brenden (a former NKU star) one-on-one, who would win? Jordan Stowers: I definitely would. He’s been away for a while and it would be a good game. But, playing each other growing up a lot, I have his moves down so I would definitely win.
JR: When are you going to dunk? JS: Probably, never. Maybe if they decide to lower the rims a little bit.
JR: Right now, the men have the same record as the women. Which team will have more wins this year? JS: We definitely will. I hope the best for the women’s team but we’re struggling right now. We started on fire, then hit a slump. Hopefully, this is our slump that most teams go through and we can hopefully run off eight or nine in a row.
JR: Fact or Fiction: The NKU commercial that has you making a three pointer is the only one you ever made. JS: Unfortunately it’s not. I made one or two more than that. They probably only had two or three to pick from.
JR: Which NBA player would you say you most play like? JS: I don’t know about NBA player, but for a college player Ed Cota from North Carolina was always one of my favorite players. He was more of a point guard that passed the ball and got other people the shots.
JR: Fact or Fiction: You will have more assists this year than shots taken. JS: That is definitely a fact. I probably have maybe 20 shots this year and I’ll probably shoot the ball 40 times this year.
JR: Why don’t you shoot the ball much? JS: I don’t know. Coach has been getting on me about not shooting but I just try to get other people the ball. I have Kelsey and Purdon who are good shooters and I try to get people the ball inside.
JR: Any superstitions? JS: Its not really a superstition, but I have a couple of CD’s that I listen to before a game and when I listen to them and I play good I usually listen to them in the same order with the same songs.
JR: I don’t think I’ve ever seen you get really fired up during a game. When were you the most fired up during a game? JS: Most fired up during a game would probably be during my sophomore year when we were playing Lewis in the Conference championship and we were down 14. With nine minutes left we went on something like a 14-0 run to get us back into the game and every one went crazy then.