On Oct. 20, 14 students in Chris Smith’s applied photography class embarked on a journey to document the ins and outs of Northern Kentucky University.
For 24 hours the students snapped shots of life at NKU, and when they finished at midnight, they found they had over 4,800 pictures to document.
For weeks the class had the arduous task of cataloging each picture and whittling down their choices to their top favorites. The class had some help.
“Michael Keating, a staff photographer from the Enquirer has helped us from the beginning,” said Pam Atkinson, a senior photography major.
“He looked at our pictures, gave some advice about what would work in a news print form and what wouldn’t.”
At the end of November, the students had chosen their favorite pictures and now hope to take their work to the next level.
“We’re hoping to enter it into a contest for ‘On Campus’ magazine and maybe try to put the pictures in a gallery,” Atkinson said. “Maybe if we can get everything together, we’ll make it into a book for our personal viewing.”