Every day since the election, theirs somebody crying in the newspapers about not being able to get married ! In my opinion — The Shriners have created a communist like system in America to insure the escalation of their children in society , no matter what their immorality is ! When tolerance was called for , the Shriners rose to the outcry by passing Project 16 in Congress ! When jobs became the focus for the gay society , the Shriners passed legislations that gave prioirty to males in what have been typically viewed in the past as female employment positions and when state legislators call for the appeal of homosexual laws in Louiville and in Lexington , the Shriners have stood up and blocked the legislation to protect their children and their way of life ! This sector of our society has been well protected and pampered by their Shriner fathers and they have no idea what it’s like to be a second class citizen ! The people that live like second class citizens in America are the citizens that have to live under the opression of submersive governments or wannabe Communist ! The presidential elections message should be clear if it’s not apparent to you by now ! Nobody likes a whinner ! Especially when they have nothing to whine about ! For me ! I just don’t like Shriners which in turn are much bigger whinners !
Richard Hellstrom