This week, John interviews women’s basketball player Karyn Creager.
John Rasp: How did you end up at NKU? Karyn Creager: Coach came to a shootout at our high school, and I actually was sick so didn’t play very much. Then they starting recruiting me and I kind of wanted to go away from home since I was from the country.
JR: What is the most free throws that you have ever made in a row? KC: A little over a hundred. I can’t remember the exact number. My dad would always rebound for me.
JR: In last week’s hot seat, I interviewed men’s player Mike Kelsey and asked him if he thought he would outshoot you from the free-throw line this year and he said he would. Do you think this is true? KC: We’ll see.
JR: Do you think you could outshoot all of the men from the free throw line? KC: Possibly.
JR: What’s your funniest moment on the court? KC: One time, during a scrimmage, I turned around to box my girl out a nd the girl shot a three. The ball went through the hoop, but I didn’t see it. I rebounded it and started dribbling up the court with it and Liz Burrows laughed at me and made me take it out.
JR: I asked Coach Winstel and Coach Bezold which coach would get the most technical fouls in previous hot seats. Which coach do you think will get more? KC: I say it’s going to be a close tie. Bezold already has one.
JR: Who is the best basketball player out of your assistant coaches this year? KC: Definitely Cot (Michelle Cottrell). She tears it up every day in practice.
JR: Why don’t you shoot the ball much in games? KC: Last year I was timid and hesitated. I am usually so set on running the offense that I don’t look for my own shot.
JR: Who will be the first player to get a technical foul this year? KC: Definitely Nikki Perkins, especially if Lori is a referee.
JR: What are the team goals for this year? KC: To win conference, then to go to the Elite Eight.