It’s over.
The election is finally over and perhaps now is the perfect time to sit back and really reflect on what kind of campaign we had this year.
“Overall, 59 percent of Bush-dominated stories were clearly negative in nature,” while “just 25 percent of Kerry stories were decidedly negative,” according to a Project for Excellence in Journalism analysis of 817 print and broadcast stories that ran between Oct. 1 and Oct. 14.
Perhaps the fact that Michael Moore’s ilk are already suggesting the GOP somehow hijacked the election is proof enough that liberals in America have finally lost touch with the majority of the population.
Is this indicative of the entire election season? I would argue that it is. From Farenheit 9/11 to and Bruce Springsteen, it seemed that everyone was against President Bush. If this is the case, then why did the president win re-election by so many votes? Perhaps it’s partly those self same liberals who supported Senator Kerry.
Average Americans realize it doesn’t matter what Puff Daddy (VOTE OR DIE!) or Cameron Diaz (“If you think rape should be legal, then don’t vote”) say about politics. Just because you play a politician in a movie doesn’t qualify your opinions as fact.
Day after day, hour after hour, negative ads, articles and movies were in our faces. You can only run so long with a negative campaign. Were these people in support of John Kerry? I don’t think so. What was the liberal agenda this year?
Democrats are calling for President Bush to “reach across the aisle.” In liberal speak, for those of you who do not speak it fluently, this means “do everything we want.”
If the Democrats truly want the president to work with them, they need to knock that chip off their shoulder that has been sitting there since the 2000 election. The American people have spoken; they rejected Hollywood and liberal media.
Maybe it’s time for the left to move towards the center. It is certainly time for the Democrats to come up with some sort of platform for 2008. How is Mrs. Clinton going to beat the GOP candidate? Running on the “anyone-but-a-Republican” campaign will be even less successful then.
Steve Funaro is a senior history major and member of the College Republicans at NKU. You can e-mail Steve at