For those of you, who believe Tom Hanks’ best work was in “Forrest Gump” or “Castaway,” hold your vote until you view “The Ladykillers.”
“The Ladykillers” is a remake of a 1955 comedy originally directed by Alexander Mackendrick. Joel and Ethan Coen direct the 2004 remake.
The film tells the story of a gang of crooks who rent a house in London from a seemingly-innocent, elderly landlady. The crooks think she’ll be an easy kill.
Alec Guinness played the role of the professor in the original film.
The 2004 version of “The Ladykillers,” which opened nationwide on March 26, revolves around a Southern professor who puts together a group of thieves to rob a casino.
Hanks portrays the professor who leads the band of thieves posing as “Renaissance musicians.”
Hanks brings together four unusual thieves, who meet at the home of their new landlady, played by Irma P. Hall.
Hanks’ band is made up of a dynamite packer, a chain-smoking donut maker, a failing football player, and a hip-hop womanizer.
These “musicians” plot their scheme to tunnel from the landlady’s root cellar into a casino’s money-counting room and steal the winnings.
Just when they think they’re home free, an unexpected visit from the old lady forces them into trying to dispose of her.
This thought-provoking film was written with the veteran moviegoer in mind.
The five opening scenes introduce each character portrayed in the movie.
It demands the viewer’s full attention if one wishes to understand how the five pieces fit once Hanks begins to conduct his heist.
Throughout the movie, Hanks and Hall bond over family and share poetry. Hall approves of the gang’s music, and believes they are nice, helpful boys.
When she discovers the stolen money, she leaves them with only two options. These limitations lead the gang to plot the murder of the landlady.
Hanks plays a character quite different from any he has ever embarked on, armed with a Ph. D, a moustache, stringy hair, lots of stage makeup, and a drawling monotone;
Hanks orchestrates his heist beneath the landlady’s nose. Hanks’ slow and carefully dialogue is a difficult feat that only a skilled actor can deliver.
“The Ladykillers” definitely earns a vote for Best Picture of 2004. Hanks delivers a we;;-honed performance that won’t soon be forgotten.
Be sure to devote your full attention to this movie to catch Edgar Allan Poe references, gospel music, feline acting, and framed emotions.
The Coen brothers have directed many movies together, such as “Big Lebowski,” “Fargo” and “O Brother, Where Art Thou?”