In celebration of Black History Month, chapter Alpha Beta Rho of the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. will host its Black Greek History Program on Feb. 19.
The event will be held in Norse Commons room116 at 8:14 p.m.
To celebrate the month and honor somewhat overlooked, but memorable (people in black history), the fraternity will ask all fraternities and sororities in the National Panhellenic Council to showcase a black history icon from the past who was also a member of his or her fraternity or sorority.
Some people they may present are George Washington Carver, a scientist who developed many amazing uses for peanuts.
Also in the lineup is Huey P. Newton, the cofounder of the Black Panther Party.
During the program, each organization will present its icon in a Powerpoint presentation, a speech, or even dressing up like the person, said Carleon Robinson Sr., the historian for Phi Beta Sigma.
“[These icons] have done things for the world and for the black History Movement,” Robinson said. He said the program will commemorate their achievements and success.
The fraternity invites everyone to come out and learn about black history and about some people who may have small remembrance, but big achievements.
The event is free for all who attend and will also follow with time for questions and comments to reflect on the program’s topics. Visit Phi Beta Sigma’s Web site at http://studenthome.nku.edu/~pbs1914/.