If Ms. Anita Adkins misunderstood the intent of my letter to the editor (published Nov.12), then I’m sure she is notalone.
Like her, I realize it is vitally important for college students to consider the real issues in politics and not just the party lines.
Like her, I am concerned about inexcusably low voter turnout among young people – so concerned, in fact, that I have written a six-page proposal on how to raise political awareness on campus through an interactive course that focuses on current events at local, national and international levels, and gives instruction about where to find accurate, up-to-date information on current policies, candidates and where/when to register and vote.
However, there is no place in our newspaper to publish anything written in such lengthy detail.
Unlike Adkins, I do not believe that voter apathy keeps students from the polls.
As she mentioned, “[M]any had no idea there was even an election going on. All were uninformed on who to vote for.”
This is ignorance, not apathy, and it is not wholly the fault of the individual.
As a student who has just voted for the first time, I believe that most students do care, but they are embarrassed to ask the basic questions about voting that they feel they should already know, but don’t.
Some students do not vote because they feel that all politicians lie and break promises anyway, so voting is a waste of their already pressed time.
Yes, there are some who really don’t care, but this is also partly due to ignorance, because they do not realize the importance of an individual voice, and feel that government is so far removed from them that their participation does not matter.
I responded to Mr. Meeks’ article because, as a student starving for political knowledge, I have no tolerance for media that treats me as though I’m not intelligent enough to draw my own opinions.
Give me in-depth analysis of issues, give me several sides to consider, and give me honest answers to my questions.
The sound bites, the mudslinging, and the misleading information given by political leaders and media do nothing but turn voters away.
Therefore, student leaders, professors, and NKU administration must consider our educational needs when sharing information, in ways that encourage, rather than discourage, our civic participation.
Sharon Schuchter
Senior, English