With the semester drawing to a close, everyone is getting excited about winter break but, first, we have to overcome the biggest obstacle – finals.
Before students hit the books, Activities Programming Board (APB) is having one last event for students to relax.
The Feast for Finals will be held Thursday, Dec. 11, from 8 to 11 p.m. in the Norse Commons.
APB adviser Stephanie McGoldrick said the feast is a “study break for students.”
She added that this is a way for the university to reward the students for making it through the semester.
All students are invited to come and enjoy a free breakfast served by the faculty and administration employees.
There will also be various activities, including wax hands, airbrush tattoos, raffle prize giveaways and sand art, along with a DJ playing music.
The Resident Housing Association will make goody bags to give out.
Health Services will be there as well, administrating hand massages to relieve some of the study stress.
McGoldrick said the event is to support the students through their exams. Last Fall and Spring 650 students attended each event.
This is also a Norsin’ Around event where students will be able to receive “thunder bucks.”
The feast is put on by several organizations including, the Campus Life team, Sodexho, University Housing, Residents Housing Association (RHA) and the APB.
The Honors program, First Year Programs, Campus Recreation and the University Center also donate money to fund the event.