The Native American Student Organization (NASO) will hold a holiday event, “Bring Cheer to a Native American Tribe,” from Dec. 3-12, announced Sarah Montgomery, founder of the organization.
NASO is collecting clothes of all sizes and toys to give to less fortunate Native American tribes.
“We’ll have barrels in four locations (on campus),” said Montgomery. The barrels will be located on Landrum Hall’s third floor, BEP on the second floor, in the Nunn Hall lobby and in the UC plaza.
They will also have tables set up from10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the UC plaza to collect monetary donations for the tribes, Montgomery said.
Montgomery’s contact, which will help disperse the donations, is Sony Kaessler, the leader for a Native American organization located in Covington.
He will discuss Native American culture on Dec. 12 from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Budig Theater.
Montgomery started NASO in September and there are now 12 active members.
“We are trying to get the students to know we are now around,” said Montgomery. “I started it to have an organization for Native American students to call their own.”
For more information, contact Montgomery at whitewolf99_98@yahoo.com.