The ad hoc committee appointed three weeks ago to determine what role the Student Government Association would take in campus activities programming recommended a resolution to the SGA senate at its Sept. 29 meeting.
SGA Senator and APB President Dustin Lewis served on the committee. The said the idea to “take over APB,” which divided SGA senators since its August proposal, “dissolved” at the committee level. He said that the committee unanimously supported a new, modified resolution, which could be voted on as soon as Oct. 6.
The resolution proposes several courses of action. First, SGA would appoint three representatives to serve as general members on the Activities Programming Board. Second, APB would get one non-voting seat on SGA. Third, SGA would also appoint senators to the university’s Cross-Divisional Campus Life Team, the Freshfusion Committee, the Homecoming Committee, and the Welcome Week Committee.
The fourth point of the resolution proposes a move toward SGA involvement in fee allocation. It resolves that SGA seek control of what Dean of Students Kent Kelso maintains are two “primary sources of funding for student organizations.”
SGA Executive Vice President Eric Fegan said the resolution’s language was loose in its assertion of how SGA would “work to attain allocation control over the Legacy Fund as well as the Programming and Activities Grant.”
He said the plan was “to put this in play of the senate and see how aggressive they are about it.” He said he hoped this part would be amended to be more specific and representative of what the senate wants.
” I’m assuming it will get pretty interesting.” he said, anticipating debate on this part of the resolution.