To the editor,
I wish to respond briefly to Mr. Trey Orndorff’s opinion piece in last week’s Northerner (Sept. 24, 2003), titled “Author promotes socialist agenda.”
Mr. Orndorff claims that “Ehrenreich does not explain why she deserves her own wealth, why she does not dispense with her material possessions to help the working poor.”
I attended both the 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. events. Someone (I believe at the 7 p.m. event) asked her how much money she contributed to the poor. Contrary to Mr. Orndoff’s claim, she stated that she did donate money to organizations she believed contributed to the social welfare of our country.
She went on to say that one of the positives of having a good few years (because her book has sold so well and led to numerous speaking engagements) is that she has been able to contribute more.
I’m not particularly interested or nosy about Ms. Ehrenreich’s finances, her “wealth” and “fortune” to use Mr. Orndoff’s terms.
However, I read the book and found it contained entertaining descriptions of people and experiences and an interesting mixture of ideas, humor and social/political commentary. I missed, apparently, all the parts about Marx and Lenin and Castro.
Surprising what you can miss when your read rationally rather than hysterically!
Paul Ellis Director,
Learning Assistance Program