If enrollment numbers are any indication, the attraction to Northern Kentucky University just keeps getting stronger.
Enrollment numbers for the Fall 2003 semester are up in almost every category compared to the same time last year and, if they aren’t up, the decrease is minimal, according to Jerry D. Smith, assistant vice president for Enrollment Management at NKU.
As of Aug. 27, the total number of students enrolled was 14,270 compared to last year’s 13,743, and 2,067 of those students are first-time freshmen.
“I’m especially happy with the first-time freshmen,” Smith said. “By the very nature of freshmen, they will be with us for a longer period of time…and be a positive bubble to carry forward in future years.”
While the total for first-time freshmen jumped to 105 percent of last year’s total, the number of restricted students admitted decreased. Smith said that not only is the university getting more freshmen, but it is also getting better-prepared students.
“It’s a double win,” he said.
The only other category with a decrease from last year is transfer students.
Last year, 743 students transferred to NKU from another university, while this year only 739 have made the switch.
“We’re down by four bodies there…pretty close to level,” Smith said.
The other categories that showed increases are:
* Total undergraduate students: 12,578 for 2003; 12,164 for 2002
* Graduate students: 1,187 for 2003; 1,107 for 2002
* Law school: 527 for 2003; 472 for 2002
Smith said the only reason he isn’t “jumping up and clicking (his) heels” is because of the possibility of the numbers slipping somewhat due to withdrawals before the final day of registration, which is Aug. 30.
“At the same time, there is the possibility of gaining in enrollment with late registrations,” Smith said. “We may get a few late registrations, but it will be very few.”