On Sun Aug. 24 Student Life in an attempt to coerce students out of their dorm rooms and into the community life of Northern Kentucky University used the one thing that many students love to hear as the bait, music. The Wires a four-man band played the Rock the Hall event in Kentucky Hall. Students moved in and out of the hall in a steady stream. Those that choose to stay and enjoy the music lounged on couches, tables, chairs, and the ping-pong set. The band made up of three music majors and one art major has been together for half a year. The short time together is not a barrier for these men while they are on stage. While on stage the men’s energy can be felt in the farthest reaches of the crowd. The musical instruments of choice that aided on Sun night kept the band’s liveliness fresh included a trumpet, a guitar, a bass and drums. Because of the choice of their instruments The Wires mainly play blues, jazz, and folk said singer Adam Gilliam. “It’s kind of laid back music,” Gilliam said. Laid back or not everyone seemed to enjoy the night and the music.
Rock the Halls
August 27, 2003