The new power plant located on University Drive is taking shape and should be complete in the spring, as scheduled, despite setbacks caused by the weather.
“The schedule was delayed last winter…nobody’s fault. The plant should be done in May,” Robert Bolce, associate director for the physical plant at Northern Kentucky University, said.
Crews began construction of the $12 million structure on July 25, 2002 to keep up with the demand for additional power needed as the university grows. The new plant will provide steam and chilled water essential to the heating and cooling needs of all buildings on the main campus.
It will replace the existing plant located under the dock below Steely Library, which will be unable to handle the demand of new buildings planned for campus.
“It’s a better location and it was planned for expansion for the future,” Bolce said.
The dorms, ceramics building and maintenance buildings located outside the main campus area will maintain a separate power supply.
The 2000 Commonwealth of Kentucky General Assembly approved state funding for the project.