As a student at NKU from 1996-1999, the Northern was too afraid to tell my story.
As a then older African descendant in his late 30’s, I was old enough to recognize B.S. when I saw it. That B.S. equalled to about (30) plus disibility and civil rights violations.
I had returned to college after suffering a heart attack in my police cruiser. In the process I learned that I was Learning Disabled and then only later as a Junior to suffer a stroke.
When the discriminatory conduct was too much too tolerate, I hired an attorney but not before being warned by a faculty member. I was told, If I sued, the school would retaliate.
So, as my father, a man with only a 3rd grade education laid dying of terminal cancer, I was desperately trying to become the first oand only male in the Jackson / Redd bloodline to earn a 4-year degree.
I hired the attorney, the school was put on notice and every professor failed me thart semester, resulting in delaying graduation until spring. My father dyed that fall.
So, after over (20) plus years of trying to earn a degree and desperately looking forward to walking dowqn the procession, I instead boycotted the graduation ceremony in protest and no on e knew why.
The school has never bothered to talk with me and I still owe the attortney over $10,000 as I make re