Environmentally Concerned Organization of Students (ECOS) is trying to cut down on campus paper consumption by encouraging faculty, staff and students to reuse paper whenever possible.
ECOS president Chari Ray said that a proposition is in the works calling for professors to encourage students to reduce paper consumption by re-using it.
The group plans to contact professors via an email newsletter, similar to the Norse News Network, asking for their help. Among their suggestion is that professors give students extra points for printing their homework and papers on the back of previously used paper.
The goal is to begin conserving paper even before it’s recycled.
ECOS, an interdisciplinary organization open to all students and faculty members, promotes a program consisting of three primary goals: Reduce, re-use and recycle. Already, ECOS members have implemented recycling programs around campus.
“It is a continuously improving work in progress,” said Ray of the group’s efforts. “But already recycling bins are used, ink and laser cartridges are refilled, and students continue to contribute to the recycling process.”
Although the campaign has seen participation from students on the recycling front, the other two fronts are lagging behind. ECOS is trying to encourage faculty and students to reduce and re-use as a sort of precursor to recycling.
The group is also trying to get the word out without using printed materials. Because the point of the campaign is to reduce the amount of consumption, there won’t be posters or flyers around campus.
ECOS meets every Thursday at noon in Room 300 of the New Science Building. For more information check out the website at www.nku.edu/~ecos.