With graduation closing in, internet job-search sites are being bombarded with soon-to-be graduates hurriedly posting their resumes, as well as with companies searching for prospective employees.
“Posting a resume on one of the sites isn’t enough,” Betsy John Jennings, director of NKU’s Career Development Center said. She says that anyone using this method to search for a job must follow-up their resumes by keeping in contact with the companies.
With an ever-growing number of sites out there attempting to connect employees and employers, it is hard to determine which one is right for each individual, or if the site is even very good at all. Here is a short guide to help you pick some sites that you may want find useful.
The most popular job-search site on the internet right now is Monster.com. The site was launched in January 1999 and caters to job seekers as well as employers. Monster is very easy to navigate and offers many options in searching for a job.
Monster allows the user to post a resume, as do many such sites. However, Monster has made itself stand above its peers in two ways. First, the search engine is extremely easy to use. All that the user needs to supply is the region and field in which they seek to find a job. The second way that Monster stands out is through its association with MonsterTRAK. MonsterTRAK is partnership between Monster and Jobtrak in which the two team up with university career centers in helping students find jobs that are specifically targeted for their university.
NKU’s Career Development Center has had a successful relationship with MonsterTRAK, according to Jennings. “The jobs are entry level jobs available both nationally and internationally,” she said. “The jobs aren’t posted on Monster’s main page, and it is really helpful for any student willing to relocate.”
HRS Federal Job Search, which can be found at hrsjobs.com, is a different type of search engine. Rather than the user completing a search, HRS does it and then sends out an email with the results. The database is updated nightly and the user is able to specify the locations in which they are interested in as well as they type of pay they are seeking.
There are drawbacks with HRS, however. There is a fee ($12 for three months or $24 for a year) and the posting are limited to federal jobs. If that is what you are looking for however, it requires very little work and only a small fee.
Another Federal Job Search site recommended by Karen Chinetti, technology coordinator for the Career Development Center, is USAJobs.gov. This site lets students search for jobs that pertain to their particular major. “The government has so many agencies, many of which are in the process of building up right now,” said Chinetti, “that the market is really good for federal jobs.”
Jobdirect.com is another is different from either of the aforementioned search engines. To begin using Jobdirect, a student must first complete a survey that asks basic questions such as the region the user is interested in and field they are looking for as well as whether the user prefers to work at home or on the road. It also gives the user the opportunity to build a resume step-by-step.
Once the user has finished creating a profile, Jobdirect automatically searches for any available positions. One benefit of Jobdirect is that the user’s profile is saved and any time the user wishes to complete a search, they just need to open Jobdirect.com’s home page and log in again. Also, since Jobdirect focuses mainly on entry-level jobs, it is geared toward college students and recent graduates.
These are only a few of the many job-search engines available on the World Wide Web. Some sites are specific as to field, while others target certain regions. Chinetti’s advice to students interested in using these engines: “Start at the Career Development Center’s site. We have links to all of the other sites.”