Job Expo 2002 offers full-time professional, part-time, co-op and summer employment opportunities for students, all under one roof.
The event, scheduled for Tuesday, April 9 from 2-5 p.m. in Regents Hall, is sponsored by the Career Development Center.
At Job Expo, students and alumni are encouraged to aproach employers and introduce themselves. The CDC Web site, though, advises attendees not to approach employers as a group. Students will make a favorable impression if they approach employers individually, and if they are prepared to ask questions and provide resumes.
Do not treat these meetings casually, advised Kelly Harper, the CDC’s cooperative education coordinator. “You almost need a script coming in,” Harper said. This script should include some questions for employers about job opportunities. The Job Expo “is more of an exploration fair,” Harper said.
Attendees should be prepared to answer question from employers as well. Betsy John Jennings, CDC director, describes these “interviews” as very brief. Some employers may have an interview schedule and will want students to sign up for an interview later. Others will provide contact information on how and where to send a resume.
Some employers will accept resumes at the Job Expo. Jennings said students and alumni should bring about 50 copies of their resume to hand out.
Students and alumni also should send Thank-you notes to the employers they meet at Job Expo. Jennings said few people do this, yet employers are always impressed by it. The CDC Web site says this step is vital, and it helps employers remember who they met.
ennings also said attendees should dress for Job Expo as if it was one giant job interview. “We think it’s best to dress business casual at least,” she said. The CDC Web site says that a business suit is preferable for both men and women.
Last year, more than 100 businesses and organizations were represented at the Job Expo, and this year’s event promises to be nearly as large. Exhibitors last year included the Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, Citibank, Cincinnati Bell and temp agencies such as Adecco.
Representatives from school systems will not attend Job Expo, however. The CDC will host a separate job fair devoted to positions in education.
Between 800 and 1,000 students and alumni are expected to attend this year. Attendees may feel overwhelmed at first, but CDC representatives are ready to help. “We give students a guide,” said Bill Lamb, employee relations coordinator. The guide is available at the CDC booth near the entrance to the Job Expo. They also are available to help students who need to find particular employers.
The list of exhibitors is posted on the CDC’s Web site, available as a link on www.thenortherner.com. It is offered as a guide, but Jennings advised students not to use the list as the sole reason to attend. She said all attendees should inquire about jobs they are interested in, even if at first it seems an employer has no jobs available in that category.
Lamb recommended that students ask employers if there is a place for them within that company. Some employers may be looking for people outside the traditional realm of employment, he added.
Jennings said all students should try to attend Job Expo. Freshman should use the Expo to find out what careers are available and what types of degrees they require. Sophomores and juniors should inquire about internship and co-op opportunities. Seniors should use the Expo to find our about professional career positions.
Students also have the opportunity to help host the event. Hosts are assigned to a group of employers to help them set up booths and to check on them durin the Expo.
Hosts have more contact with employers, which could be beneficial, Jennings said. Students interested in hosting should apply in the Career Development Center in University Center 230.
even though the Jo expo is a professional event, CDC staff try to help students erlax and enjoy themselves while gathering information and making contacts. “We try to make it very festive,” Jennings said. Some employers pass out freebies. Regents Hall is usually decorated with balloon sculptures. “It’s an exciting event,” Jennings said. “It’s huge. We try to have fun with it.”