Expanded programming at WNTV, Northern Kentucky University’s student run television station, has given rise to two issues that center around movies obtained by the Residential Housing Association and broadcast by WNTV.
The first issue is over who decides what movies will be shown each month.
RHA, who pays the licensing fee to ResLife Cinema for the movies, chooses the movies at a meeting held in the lobby of Commonwealth Hall on the second Tuesday of each month.
Members of WNTV now attend the meeting and give suggestions on what they think should be shown.
“The two groups are having problems in deciding who will choose the movies,” said Gayle Brown, director of student media services. WNTV wants a role so they can plan programming around movie choices.”
According to Lindsay Hunter, president of RHA, any student who lives in the residence halls and attends the meetings can also voice an opinion on what movies are chosen.
The final decision is made by RHA.
“RHA has the final word on what movies are picked because we’re the department that pays for it,” said Hunter.
Hunter feels RHA and WNTV are now working together to pick the movies.
The second issue has come in the form of complaints in regards to foul language and sex scenes that appear in the movies during daytime hours on TV’s located in the lobbies and corridors of the academic buildings and University Center.
“I’ve had several complaints from people who have said they walked through building lobbies in Landrum or the University Center and been surprised by what they saw on the screen or what they heard,” said Brown.
According to Brown, televisions are in lobbies and corridors because WNTV wants to maintain a presence on campus.
“NKU is not primarily a residential university,” said Brown. “In order to reach the student body, TV’s need to be where students will see them.”
The ultimate goal Brown said, is to have two channels, one for resident life programming and one with student programming and student news and event listings.
In the mean time, Brown said, RHA and WNTV need to work together on scheduling movies so they don’t air anything with questionable content during the day.
In an email issued by Wendell K. Hudson, WNTV administrative liaison, he wrote,
“While we realize that WNTV is free of censorship and advance approval of program content guaranteed under the Freedom of Press amendment; it is not the desire of the organization to provide programming that would offend the audience we are attempting to serve.”
Hunter addressed the issue by saying what movies are shown during the day is not an issue with the residential population.