The Career Development Center recently hosted its first social services and government job fair at Northern Kentucky University in early December.
After social work students told Charlie Lowe, NKU social work professor, and Jim Decker, chair of NKU social work program, they wanted a job fair strictly for social services, the wheels started turning.
Within the same semester, their wish became a reality.
“This is the third year the state government has attended, but the event was expanded this year to include the social service agencies. said Jennings. “The social work program played a very big role in making this event a success.”
An estimated 150 students attended the event, which featured over 20 agencies and 30 various representatives.
These include Kentucky cabinets in departments like revenue, natural resources and protection, labor, health services, justice, families and children and transportation. Agencies advocating for housing, youth, treatment of alcohol and drug abuse, hospital services, military, and correctional institutions were also represented.
“We were particularly pleased with the turn out of the various Kentucky cabinets at the fair, despite the current cut-backs in state government,” said Karen Chinetti, who works in the Career Development Center.
Betsy John Jennings, director of the Career Development Center, said despite current hiring freezes, the participation of the government cabinets in the fair shows their high regard for NKU and its students.
Chinetti said that many students were concerned with the hiring freezes, but acquired relevant information for future use.
“The Career Development Center is always available to help our students, particularly in economically difficult times like the present.”
Many of the agencies also presented scholarship opportunities for students.
The Kentucky Police Corps offered a $30,000 scholarship for those wishing to enter law enforcement.
“Students enrolled with the Police Corps can leave college with no debt, plus have extra money left over for personal expenses. Better yet, they walk right into employment at a law enforcement agency upon graduation,” said Kirby Allen, instructor and recruiter for Kentucky Police Corps.
Students left the fair with a bag of giveaways, but more importantly they had made good contacts and many had job leads.
Jennings said the Career Development Center plan