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The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

Letters to the editor

To The Northerner: April 2, 2012

I am writing in regards to edition 49, Issue 10; more specifically I am writing in response to Student voices discontent with professor written by Claire Higgins. This article is appalling, and while I was once an avid reader of The Northerner, I no longer am; I plan on discontinuing reading it since all credibility has gone out the window. While I am all for freedom of speech, what I am not for is reading just one side of an issue; a good journalist strives to get facts from both sides of the issue as well as fact check. This article seems to have been single sided and the facts or just not there, they’re sketchy.

The Dean of the College of Informatics, Kevin Kirby spoke to this unhappy student, but only for a short while since they refused to become “non-anonymous”. Perhaps The Northerner should have taken the queue and not even written this article, how credible can it really be?

As a student who currently is in Rachel Lyon’s Media Management class, I can say with confidence that the class leaves a big work load for students, but as long as you pay attention to lecture and follow up on notes and readings, passing the class with a good grade is achievable. For this anonymous student to complain about “BS’ing” his midterm exam and still getting an A+, good for you, but I am sure come time to stand up in class and present the final project, you’ll have trouble, can’t exactly “BS” in front of the whole class and expect to get a good grade.

Lyon requested for a week extension on the publication of this article, seems like a reasonable request. She was thrown under the bus by this article; as a soon to be NKU graduate and current student of Lyon’s, I am embarrassed. I am embarrassed that someone spoke so rudely against her. It would have been in this student’s best interest to voice his concern directly to Rachel or simple dropped the class.

Personally, I’ve had problems with professors, and I’ve either emailed them or spoken to my advisor and resolved the issue that way. Perhaps we should give our faculty and staff more credit; I know it is easier to complain than fix an issue but we live in a society that likes to point fingers. Next time The Northerner feels the need to throw someone else under the bus, remember, journalists have ethics and standards that should always be followed.

Danielle Nahari