Seven years ago, one man from Maryland set out on a mission to collect secrets, and has since gathered over half a million from around the world.
Frank Warren, the genius behind the PostSecret universe, began this project in January 2005 by walking around the streets of Washington, D.C. asking whomever he met about their secrets.
In no time, PostSecret took flight, and Warren started a website where he scanned in the secrets he had collected, and invited others to mail him theirs. Just as the post cards came flooding in, the fan base grew to include people on every continent.
Frank’s dream has given millions of people hope that they are not alone in the struggle life can be, by allowing people to anonymously submit their deepest secrets to someone often coined “the most trustworthy stranger.”
Every Sunday he posts 20 secrets on his site to share with the world, and even more secrets have been compiled in Warren’s books.
NKU’s Activities Programming Board brought Warren to NKU on Wednesday evening to talk about his experiences with everyone else’s secrets.
“Frank has a way of making you feel that, even though he’s seen millions upon millions of secrets, your secret is still the most important thing in the world. He makes you feel both comforted and no longer alone, even if he doesn’t make contact with you, personally. That is an incredible talent,” said Danielle Höfele, junior electronic media and broadcasting major.
After speaking about the story of PostSecret, and sharing some of his favorite secrets, Frank invited students in the audience to line up at microphones on either side of the room to share their own.
One by one, Northern Kentucky University students watched as their classmates took their turn at the mic to let go of thoughts and secrets that tugged at the heartstrings of everyone in attendance.
Höfele said the support and connection of the group was palpable. “It takes a lot for people to get up and share their most intimate secrets with the world on a microphone, where they can’t hide behind the anonymity of a post card, yet dozens of people were willing,” she added. “The event was life-affirming.”
Sharing one last secret before he signed books, and met fans, Frank pulled a one dollar bill out of his wallet, and read, “We are all part of something bigger, and we are all part of it together.”