Aj Allen, a senior at NKU, pins their number onto the saddle before competing.
Equestrian team walks past winners table before getting to meet their horses. The team competes as a club so members often pay out of pocket to participate.Senior Aj Allen rides Cinnamon. The red puff on their tail is an indicator for other riders that the horse can be temperamental.During walk/trot/lope, a competition where riders are judged on their ability to command their horse and maintain their own composure while doing so. The judge (right) looks at sheet before making final decision.Janaya O’Bryant, a respiratory therapy major, mounts Cinnamon before competing. O’bryant and Workman both compete in the “Beginner Western Horseman” class.Jenna Workman (red shirt) greets Ranger after rider from previous class dismounts. Horses are brought from Morehead State University and Midway University and are given to riders randomly through a drawing system.Jenna Workman focuses on keeping her arms even and back straight. One of the key pieces that riders have to focus on to have a good score is their posture.Jenna Workman (left), Janaya O’Bryant (center), and Aj Allen (Right) sort out numbers before competition. The judge uses the numbers to identify the riders that earn awards.Janaya O’Bryant, sophomore, smiles as she completes a lap in the walk/jog class. Riders are required to wear a hat that has a quarter horse crease.O’Bryant guides Cinnamon into stables after completing event. Coaches and players will stand along the wall and shout instructions to riders as they make their way around.Aj Allen poses with ribbon after placing second in the “Rookie A” class.