Study Abroad Fair: Find out where you can go
More than 40 countries have programs and 25 are exchange partner universities.
In the past there was a fall Study Abroad Fair, now the Office of Education Abroad has added a spring fair, as well as a new program, Study Away.
Each year, students are given the opportunity to go abroad through NKU. The Office of Education Abroad held their third annual spring Study Abroad Fair on Feb. 1. Upcoming programs and scholarships were presented, providing space for more students to take their studies across the world.
Francois LeRoy, director of the Office of Education Abroad, said the fairs are here to show students they are not limited to learning solely in classrooms.
Students can spend anywhere from one week to one full academic year abroad while earning credit hours. More than 40 countries have programs and 25 are exchange partner universities.
“We like to think about these fairs as a chance to plant seeds for these students,” LeRoy said. “We want them to know how many abroad options are out there.”
Students have up to 14 scholarships they can apply for. According to the Office of Education Abroad, NKU has over $168,000 available per academic year for the scholarships provided.
Alyssa Roby, coordinator of the Study Abroad Fair, said they are starting a new program, Study Away, for students who don’t want to go abroad.

Alyssa Roby said these events communicate everything the study abroad office offers.
“We really try to focus these events around students,” Roby said. “These fairs are one of the best ways for us to communicate everything the study abroad office offers. Things change every semester.”
Sophomore, Raj Patel, said he has been attending study abroad events for a couple semesters and has high hopes to travel abroad this fall.
“There are unlimited choices here,” Patel said. “I think studying abroad is something I will do because of the experience I will get.”
Patel said NKU makes studying abroad exciting students. He said after he travels abroad he wants to spend time encouraging other students to go outside of their comfort zones.
Daniel Kjellberg, student volunteer, said he believes every student should try studying abroad to get to know others and the cultures surrounding them.
“This is something you need to do,” Kjellberg said. “I truly think it helps people find themselves.”