Find textbooks without breaking the bank

Abby Anstead

Students attempt to find cheaper ways of getting textbooks.

Students find themselves in the same situation each year: how will I get textbooks? There is always the option of buying the book in hopes of selling it back for a decent price at the end. However, that doesn’t always work for students.

Finding the cheapest textbook can be a challenge for all college students. If it’s your freshman year, this is a whole new process for you.

“I’m waiting until I need to get them for sure,” junior integrative studies major, Jared Koshiol said in reference to when he will be getting his books.

According to NKU’s Barnes and Noble site, there are two textbooks required for public speaking (CMST 101). One of the books, The Art of Public Speaking (CMST 101 Public Speaking Custom Edition for NKU) is currently going for $92.85.

Using the site, to find these books, the book going for over $90 is $8.70 used on, whichincludes shipping.

“I’m going to look online first,” Koshiol said.

Another important book that is used is the required book for ENG 101. According to NKU’s Barnes and Noble site, this textbook can run from $15.30-$34. The cheapest book that could be found is an eBook going for $15.99 through Skyo. In this case, it might be easier to run it through NKU’s Barnes and Noble to save on shipping if you want a physical book over an eBook.

The last book that we checked is the book for GLY 110. For this geology class, the required textbook is Earth: Portrait of a Planet, 5th Edition. According to NKU’s Barnes and Noble site, this book is going for $68.40-$152.

After checking the cheapest textbooks, this textbook was still over $100 for purchase. This is where renting comes into play. If you realize that you will never need this book again because it doesn’t apply to your major or you aren’t interested, renting is the best option. The cheapest rental is through for $39.40, which includes shipping.        

“I rented,” junior public relations major Kelsey Anderson said. “Most I didn’t do through the bookstore… I went through Chegg.”

Anderson said that she found this to be a cheaper option.    

However some still do manage to purchase textbooks.

Senior electronic media broadcasting major Zachary Lawrence said that most of his books were manuals and since they were cheaper, he bought them.

“For my production books, I buy them for future reference,” Lawrence said. “None of those rules are going to change.”

Lawrence did mention that he purchased a book in the past for $350 and after realizing he didn’t need it after owning it for three weeks, he tried to sell it back. The store that he bought it from was only able to give him $80 for it.

Whether you plan to rent, borrow from a friend or purchase textbooks, try to find the cheapest option that you can. If there is a chance that you’ll need to keep this book through your college career, like the AP Stylebook for the journalism majors, maybe plan to purchase it.