UPDATE: NKU student says four basketball players involved in her assault

Jeffrey Garrett (0), Jared Bryant-Godfrey (32) Lavone Holland (11) and Todd Johnson (23) were listed in the March 19 police report.

HIGHLAND HEIGHTS, Ky. — Four Northern Kentucky University basketball players have been linked to a possible assault incident involving a female student that occurred at a fraternity party in March.

According to a police report obtained by The Northerner, the woman was punched by the four men, causing her to suffer “internal bruising and a fractured rib from the assault.”

No criminal charges were filed against the athletes and the incident report states, “she fears seeking criminal charges will have repercussions due to all four suspects are on the Northern Kentucky Men’s Basketball team.”

The report says the incident occurred on March 19 at a Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity party that took place at the Thompson House, a bar and music venue in Newport. Lavone Holland, Todd Johnson, Jared Bryant-Godfrey and Jeffrey Garrett were all cited in the incident report. Holland and Garrett are both returning players, while Johnson and Bryant-Godfrey both have graduated.

According to the incident report, the young woman claims she was getting on a bus when she was pushed in the back, causing her to fall down the stairs of bus. The female said when she turned around to see who pushed her, a suspect “grabbed her right breast and starting pulling and squeezing, causing pain, and refused to let go,” according to the Newport police report.

The report says she then punched the male subject in the face in an attempt to make him release his grip, and “all four suspects then began punching her with closed fists, on her legs, stomach, and ribs,” according to the police report.

The university would not confirm whether disciplinary action was enforced on any of the players.

NKU spokesperson Amanda Nageleisen issued the following statement in regard to the incident.

“We are aware of an off-campus incident earlier this year involving several of our students,” Nageleisen said in the email. “We understand that the matter was investigated by the appropriate law enforcement agency, and no criminal charges were ever brought.

“Consistent with University policies and procedures, the matter was also reported to the University’s Office of Student Conduct, Rights, and Advocacy. An allegation was made against one student under the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

“Federal law prohibits the University from disclosing details of student disciplinary matters. However, as required by Kentucky law, our Code provides for a three-person panel – one student, one faculty member, and one staff member ­ who are trained to handle such matters. This panel hears testimony from the parties, as well as witnesses, and reviews all relevant information.  The panel then determines whether the Code has been violated. If a violation has been found, the panel would recommend sanctions under the Code.

“When sanctions are issued, a complainant is notified in writing of the finding and the sanctions, as well as his or her right to appeal that decision. This matter was handled appropriately and in accordance with the Code. The same process applies to all students equally, including student-athletes.”

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